Creating CDs with SignWriting

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Apr 23 14:21:55 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
April 23, 2006

Did you know you can create CDs with signs written in SignWriting,  
that include a place for video, animation, multiple spoken languages,  
multiple signed languages, illustrations and a way to search by  
handshape and other symbols?

And it is free, with these three free programs on the internet:


We are working hard on providing excellent tools for CD creation in  
SignWriting...and it is not hard to use these free programs, if you  
take the time to learn how to use all the features. We are here to  
teach you how to do it, one step at a time...

Just ask questions, and I can teach you here on the SW List, how to  
create a CD in SignWriting...

Val ;-)

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