Is anyone following the lessons?...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Jan 28 19:51:59 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
January 28, 2006

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
> I think my computer is too old... I've got a G4 but have a Mac Os  
> 9.2... I
> don't have fileMaker inside so I guess there's just no use trying  
> before
> installing a more recent version!!
> Do I need File Maker ?
> Do I need Mac Os X


Hello Anny and Everyone!

You do NOT need FileMaker! SignBank does not require ANY other  
software... It works with or without FileMaker...

SignBank runs on BOTH Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X...It runs on Mac OS 9.2...

So the only problem you have is the downloading itself...

Do you have a fast internet connection, like DSL or cable? If not, do  
you have a friend who does? Maybe they could download it for you and  
give you a CD? Or maybe at work, someone would let you download it?

Your download web page is:

French-Swiss SignBank

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