SignBank Document Maker Database

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Fri Jul 28 15:08:24 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
July 28, 2006

Dear SW List!
Yesterday Todd came to help me with 
improving SignBank8. We added a new 
database called the Document Maker.

It makes it possible to create pages for 
publishing literature in SignWriting. 
You can place SignText sentences (as 
graphics right now) inside neat columns, 
and you can place illustrations and 
spoken language text on the same page, 
and add page numbers in SignWriting.

Once all your pages are in the database, 
you can then print to PDF directly from 
SignBank, on both Mac and Windows. It 
even has an email ability. You can send 
the document through email directly from 
SignBank, as a PDF.

I am now testing the software...It may 
be a couple of weeks before it is 
available, but surely by September we 
will have new software to create 
SignWriting literature and documents, 
stored on your desktop...

Val ;-)

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