Lucy lists at ONET.EU
Sun May 21 09:18:07 UTC 2006

Stefan, thanks for your writing proposal. You were almost absolutely spot on! :-)
But I don't understand what you mean saying this: "(Since you can hear the voice of a hearing person - you probably would neglect this aspect - if it comes down to true deaf signing in Poland?? )"
I can't hear any voice so I don't care of mouthing. Of course, I can speak, but you don't think I speak to deaf people? And as to the Polish Deaf, some do more mouthing, some do less, it mostly depend whom they are signing to and what a sign they're just doing (if the sign is rather rare and "sophisticated", borrowed from Polish, it's more likely they mouth it).
I'm not a native signer, but, since I can't hear, I pay attention to the movement, the signing rythm, and not to the voice intonation ;-)
Btw, that man of the video is hearing but can't even speak properly when signing. He should stress the syllable of CZE but he is just chanting without any stress: ZNA-CZE-NIE and they use motions to this rythm. Litlle deaf kids who learn how to speak and how to sign, do the same - just following their teachers...
If you want to speak properly, you can't sign at the same time - and vice versa.


  (Since you can hear the voice of a hearing person - you probably would neglect this aspect - if it comes down to true deaf signing in Poland?? ) 


  Now - looking carefully at the video the man moves is index fingers from the middle (indexes allmost parallel) far to the right and back far to the left and back to the position far to the right ... 


  You want this movement only right - left - ( is that correct?) 


  I assume that the native signer would accept an easy to follow spelling ;-))



  I would write it this way ;-) 




  I think the movement is performed pretty fast? Therefore the marker for speed.


  Of course this is not what the man in the video is signing - but rather a try to follow your wish to perform the movement only once. 


  I am curios - what is the deaf polish signer doing if he/she uses the sign for "to mean"  



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