FRENCH-SWISS questions on writing signs

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod acpg at VTXNET.CH
Wed Apr 11 23:27:38 UTC 2007

well... Ive been up till 2a.m. everynight for some weeks...

and kids don't let me sleep in in the morning... so I start to be  
really tired...!


Le 12 avr. 07 à 01:19, Adam Frost a écrit :

> No worries. Get some sleep. (Staying up till one in the morning  
> will make anyone tired. :-P)
> Adam
> On 4/11/07, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod < acpg at> wrote:
> I won't send your previous message tonight... desperately need some  
> sleep!
> I will do it tomorrow!!
> Thanks for this work!
> I've bought a one day demo licence with iVeSeen... an di t seems to  
> work perfectly!! so next time I'll be able to record the signs  
> myself and send it to the list not worrying about permission!!
> Anny
> Le 12 avr. 07 à 01:04, Adam Frost a écrit :
>> Here are the links (I hope that they are live):
>> Association 
>> docid=7556618787221419734
>> Fête
>> Centre culturel des sourds 
>> docid=6588608287273903585
>> Inauguration 
>> docid=2022891649074556667
>> Fondation
>> Foyer
>> (Salles) différent 
>> docid=-8749843082243101828
>> Théâtre
>> Anny, if you can, can you send the signs that I wrote to the list.  
>> I can't seem to find them.
>> Adam
>> On 4/11/07, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod <acpg at> wrote:
>> WOW!!!
>> great job!!
>> Looking forward to seing you there! (look at the swiss LSF by ADAM  
>> and discover what Adam's look like!!) smile
>> thanks Val for all this discussion on video recording.... Hope I'l  
>> soon find somthing working!!! (I'll let you know)
>> Anny
>> Le 12 avr. 07 à 00:09, Adam Frost a écrit :
>>> I have filmed myself of each sign. I am uploading to Google right  
>>> now. I will send you the links as soon as I can.
>>> Adam
>>> On 4/11/07, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod < acpg at> wrote:
>>> Val
>>> Adam helped me writing down and correcting these signs from the  
>>> video.
>>> THANK YOU so much for this help!
>>> I wish I could share the video with the list.... it' always so  
>>> nice to learn from other's questions!!
>>> I'll manage to get permission next time... or send videos  
>>> myself... so I won't have any problem with this!!
>>> I'll ask permission to send the result of this work to the list  
>>> so that anyone can see what this SignWriting page looks like in  
>>> the swiss french journal of the deaf!
>>> Thanks val and adam for your precious help
>>> Anny
>>> Le 11 avr. 07 à 22:22, Valerie Sutton a écrit :
>>>> SignWriting List
>>>> April 11, 2007
>>>> Dear SW List!
>>>> Anny from French-Switzerland has a big project of writing lots  
>>>> of signs from videos. We do not have permission to share the  
>>>> videos with you, but we can share the writing of signs and we  
>>>> will do our best to explain what is going on with each  
>>>> So in the next few messages I (and possibly Adam) will be  
>>>> posting different ways of writing some of the signs that Anny  
>>>> mentions look for the next will be  
>>>> interesting!
>>>> Adam - I am going to prepare an email focusing on Fête  
>>>> next...want to take the second one yourself? I will comment on  
>>>> the signs video necessary...
>>>> So the sign for Fête is coming next message...Val ;-)
>>>> ---------
>>>> On Apr 8, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
>>>>> Val
>>>>> if you have time... would you give a look to this video.... of  
>>>>> the following signs... (9 signs for the journal Fais-Moi Signe  
>>>>> (FMS) of may). The last sign /EXPOSITION/ won't be used.... and  
>>>>> was replaced by another one called /grillades/ ("barbecue" in  
>>>>> english I guess)
>>>>>> Fête
>>>>>> Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>>> Inauguration
>>>>>> Rénovation
>>>>>> Fondation
>>>>>> Foyer
>>>>>> Salles polyvalents
>>>>>> Théâtre
>>>>> I've written them on Puddle 1.5... . (these are the last signs  
>>>>> I worked on... you can all find them on "FMS5)
>>>>> I really need your help on the 7th ... for the sign "salle  
>>>>> polyvalente"... I separated the two signs included in it / 
>>>>> SALLE/ and /différent/
>>>>> I would really appreciate to have your opinion on how I wrote  
>>>>> the signs!!
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> ANny
>>>>> PS sorry.. I'm not sure if I have permission to post the video  
>>>>> on the list.... I didn't get in touch with the signer.....  
>>>>> that's the reason why I send it to you personnaly and not to  
>>>>> the list!
>>>>> Début du message réexpédié :
>>>>>> De : "Leuzinger Martine" <mlm8 at >
>>>>>> Date : 8 avril 2007 22:39:45 GMT+02:00
>>>>>> À : "Anne-Claude Prelaz" < acpg at>
>>>>>> Objet : Fw: mini dico du mois de mai
>>>>>> Thème: Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>>> Fête
>>>>>> Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>>> Inauguration
>>>>>> Rénovation
>>>>>> Fondation
>>>>>> Foyer
>>>>>> Salles polyvalents
>>>>>> Théâtre
>>>>>> Grillade
>>>>>> Tu peux voir la vidéo .mov en pièce jointe
>>>>>> Délai: 15 avril 2007
>>>>>> Amicalement
>>>>>> Pierrot
>>>>> <PICT0002.MOV>
>>>>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>>>>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>>>>> 1271 Givrins
>>>>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>>>>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>>>>> mail: acpg at
>>>> Val ;-)
>>>> Valerie Sutton
>>>> Sutton at
>>>> 1. SignWriting
>>>> Read & Write Sign Languages
>>>> 2. SignBank
>>>> Create Sign Language Databases
>>>> 3. SignPuddle
>>>> Create Sign Language Dictionaries
>>>> 4. SignText
>>>> Create Sign Language Documents
>>>> 5. SignWriting List
>>>> Technical Support: Ask questions to the List
>>>> 6. DanceWriting
>>>> Read & Write Dance Movement
>>>> 7. MovementWriting
>>>> Read & Write All Body Movement
>>>> 8. SymbolBank
>>>> International Movement Writing Alphabet
>>>> 9. Non-profit Organization
>>>> Center for Sutton Movement Writing
>>>> SignWriting Literacy Project
>>>> The DAC, Deaf Action Committee
>>>> Center For Sutton Movement Writing
>>>> an educational nonprofit organization
>>>> P.O. Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038, USA
>>>> tel                       858-456-0098     fax 858-456-0020
>>>> D-Link Videophone:
>>>> Skype Name: valeriesutton
>>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>>> 1271 Givrins
>>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>>> mail: acpg at
>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>> 1271 Givrins
>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>> mail: acpg at
> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
> 1271 Givrins
> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
> mail: acpg at

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
1271 Givrins
Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
mail: acpg at

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