training of typing interpreters

Mª Cristina P. Pereira macripiper at YAHOO.COM.BR
Sat Feb 9 23:53:50 UTC 2008

Dear Ingvild:
In my so far-far-far Brazil we are just begining to spread SLI training over
the country, so it's soon to know exactly what direction we'll take in the
years to come. But I'd like to know what do you mean by 'type'. Is it a kind of
real time closed captioning to deaf/HH? How does it work? We don't have this
accessibility service offered here.
Well, if it's that, for sure that it does not configure a
"translation/interpreting" task, but only a sort of 'transcription' activity
that could be performed by any good typist.

--- Charles Butler <chazzer3332000 at> escreveu:

> In Norway, sign language interpreters are educated by a three year college
> study program, after which they are supposed to be able to: 
> * interpret between spoken Norwegian and Norwegian Sign Language (NTS), for
> Deaf persons
> * interpret between spoken Norwegian and signed Norwegian (for deafened of HH
> persons)
> * interpret between spoken Norwegian and tactile NTS (for Deaf-and-Blind
> persons)
> * type in real time from spoken Norwegian, either exactly or slightly altered
> to adapt to the linguistic needs  of the deaf/ HH customer, usually at
> conferences and suchlike
> My question concerns this last part:
> 1: is it common for sign language interpreters in other countries to perform
> this task?
> 2: how are the people who do this real time typing educated and trained in
> other countries?
> Ingvild 

Mª Cristina P. Pereira (Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil),

      Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento!


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