video of Val trying to do rocking- ha ;-))

SignWriting signwriting at MAC.COM
Thu Jul 9 22:28:53 UTC 2009

SignWriting List
July 9, 2009

Well...that is great that we understand each other shows how  
valuable it is, that we can share videos with each other now...and I  
have increased the memory now, so there should be no problem posting  
videos to the SW List...

The differences between the two kinds of rocking or tilting motion was  
important to others, when writing. That is why the two ways of writing  
developed, was because we need to be able to differentiate between the  
small and the larger tilts or rocking motions...

I agree with you that it may not be necessary to write so much detail  
because the smaller rocking motion probably could be assumed as a part  
of the movement and still the sign would be understood...but both your  
writings here look good to me, and for me, I do read them as small and  

Thanks for this great discussion -

Val ;-)


On Jul 9, 2009, at 3:19 PM, Adam Frost wrote:

> Ok. That helps. Now I know why I was having a hard time with it. I  
> don't really see the first four as scalene movements. True, they are  
> there, but they just don't seem to be important to me.
> Now back to the beginning of the discussion with good 'ol Mark in  
> ASL by DeafMIssions. ;-) It would be the tilt written at the  
> shoulder, not at the head like I had written. (Of course, I  
> personally wouldn't write it as I don't think that it is really  
> important, but that's besides the matter.)
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> The reason I had opted for the previous version was because I  
> couldn't figure out where to place the shoulder line. Here is an  
> attempt. :-)
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> Ok. I need to get going as well. I'll be back online tomorrow. :-)
> Adam
> On Jul 9, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Valerie Sutton wrote:
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>> I am not doing this very well, but you can see the first four times  
>> are smaller rocking than the second four times...
>> The first four times I would write it at the shoulders and the  
>> second four times I would put the symbols on top of the head...
>> And of course there may be some tilting of shoulders naturally, but  
>> the emphasis is generally that the shoulders are not making any  
>> extra effort to can write real bending with it , but I  
>> was not trying to really tilt with it...
>> Unfortunately I need to get back to other work, but I hope we can  
>> all continue to learn together on who to write these nuances
>> Val ;-)
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