SignWriting Question...from Deaf Church in Michigan

Cherie Wren cwterp at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jul 3 17:00:40 UTC 2009

Well, then, the answer becomes simple...  how did they sign it in the video?  Write it that way. ::grin::

(not terribly helpful, I realize.)

From: SignWriting <signwriting at>
To: SignWriting List <sw-l at>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 5:25:37 PM
Subject: Re: [sw-l] SignWriting Question...from Deaf Church in Michigan

SignWriting List
July 2, 2009

On Jul 2, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Cherie Wren wrote:
> You wouldn't really sign it that way.  If I am signing "we offer 6 classes in various locations all over," I would still only repeat the sign CLASS 3 times, max.  When I get into details about what the 6 locations are, I still wouldn't sign class with 6 repetitions in a row....  Is this an artistic thingie?  Or is there some other weird non-linguistic reason to be signing it that way?
> Given that there is a reason for doing this (I'll assume... ;-) I would sign the repetitions in an arc, like you show with three reps in one of your attached pics.
> cherie


Hi Cherie -
When I was asked the question, that was my immediate reaction..."was this really necessary to really sign six different times or 12 different times?", but they are transcribing the Bible from a video made by Deaf Missions, and I believe they must have signed it that way on the assuming we have to write it 6 or 12 times, the question is, how best to do that?...thanks for your input about the repetitions in an arc...

Val ;-)


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