Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Jul 4 00:40:17 UTC 2012

SignWriting List
July 3, 2012


Many thanks to Nancy Romero for her amazing work, writing the New Testament in American Sign Language. This new web site is a tribute to Nancy's dedication. The web site is designed by her and the Gospel of John, Matthew, and Luke, plus the complete Book of Romans, 1 & 2 Peter, and 12 Psalms of Comfort are all translated by Nancy Romero from the New Living Translation (NLT) with permission, and written in the SignWriting Script using SignPuddle Online. This is years of work, including 1000s of pages of written ASL.  Congratulations, Nancy!

The Gospel of Mark is also on this web site, transcribed from a Deaf Missions ASL video by James Orlow, at the St Clair Shores Deaf Church in Michigan, directed by Pastor Ron Dettloff… Thank you Ron, James and your team...

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