New Idea for SignWriting Literature Links Database

maria galea signwriting.maria at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 6 16:12:06 UTC 2013

Hi Val,
Although I need to think a bit more about this - my first thought is that
having accessible pdfs of signwriting shows people the actual literature
that there is...
it would be good if a social network (similar to researchgate or academia)
is created, so that people can just upload their SignWriting docuements
there..but that would involve a lot of work i imagine..

On 6 August 2013 17:35, Valerie Sutton <signwriting at> wrote:

> SignWriting List
> August 6, 2013
> Hello Maria -
> I have a question for you…regarding your request back on July 15th…here is
> your message that day:
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 2:15 AM, maria galea <signwriting.maria at GMAIL.COM>
> wrote:
> > ..i found the gospel of John, but can you give me the link to all other
> texts of the new testament.  I would like to refer someone to these texts,
> as an example of a huge corpus of sign language literature..
> > thank you! maria
> Now that you can refer them to with so many documents, does
> this take care of your question? Or do you need a more detailed listing
> such as a chapter-by-chapter listing? I could create one enormous web page
> with every link of PDF chapters and complete books, like this:
> HEBREWS in ASL Chapter by Chapter
> Hebrews in ASL Chapter 1
> Hebrews in ASL Chapter 2
> Hebrews in ASL Chapter 3
> Of course the same documents can be downloaded on by just
> going to:
> Hebrews
> We also have so much more SignWriting Literature not related to the Bible
> as well, so I have been trying to think how to present it to the
> world…there is no much to share…
> Any ideas? What will help to show people how much literature we have?
> Val  ;-)
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