SignWriter Studio 1.1

Jonathan Duncan duncanjonathan at YAHOO.CA
Tue Jul 30 13:13:52 UTC 2013

Hi Elen,
     Yes everything on is free and 
donations are accepted.
You will see that with version 1.1 of SignWriter Studio you can now 
write documents.  If you want to import the signs from the Brazilian 
SignPuddle do this.
In SignWriter Studio

 1. Create new SignWriter Studio file from the Dictionary window.
 2. In Options set the sign language and gloss language
 3. In Sign Puddle Export the Entire Puddle
 4. In the SignWriter Studio in the Dictionary window, from the menu
    click File/Import and choose the file you just downloaded

In SignWriter Studio in the Dictionary in the Gloss Search type the word 
you are looking for or click the substring checkbox if you are typing 
only part of a word.



On 7/29/2013 2:09 PM, Elen Rose wrote:
> Hello Jonathan!
> I'm brazilian.
> The dowloands you posted are free?
> Elen Rose


email: duncanjonathan at <mailto:duncanjonathan at>
joyoduncan at <mailto:joyoduncan at>
Cel Honduras: (504)3141-1171
Tel USA: (347)875-8442
Skype: yojoduncan

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