[Sw-l] SignPuddle 3 beta is ready for testing

Stephen Slevinski slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET
Sun Jun 30 14:21:49 UTC 2019

Hi SignWriting list,

I'm happy to announce that the SignPuddle 3 beta is ready for testing.  
The same usernames and passwords from SignPuddle 2 will work with 
SignPuddle 3.  There are two sections that are working: the dictionaries 
and the user interfaces.

I would appreciate anyone who can test SignPuddle 3.  I am interested in 
all kinds of feedback, including bug reports, user experience, and 
feature requests.  You can reply here, send me a private email, or 
report the issue on GitHub.

Right now, I have auto-translated the user interface into several 
languages.  I will be adding more languages soon.  If you have a 
requested language for the user interface, please let me know.

These interfaces can be updated with SignPuddle 3.  If anyone would like 
to clean the auto-translated interfaces, please let me know your 
username and which language.  I will make you an editor for the user 
interface.  You can edit the auto-translated interface or you can start 
with a fresh copy of the English.

English default interface








For the dictionaries, you can view all, search by IDs, terms, or sign. 
You can create new signs.

If you are an editor, you can edit all of the signs.  Otherwise, you can 
only edit signs you create.

You can create a selection of signs for PDF printing.  Depending on the 
dictionary settings and your security rights, you can upload images for 
the dictionary entries.  These images can be included in the PDF printing.

I will be created a series of instructional videos that demonstrate the 
various functionality available.

SignText is not available within SignPuddle 3 yet.  That is the next 
major development milestone.

Dictionary Editors and Managers
Each dictionary has its own set of editors and managers. Dictionary 
editors can edit or delete any of the signs in a dictionary. Managers 
control who is an editor.

Alternate Dictionaries
Every sign language can have a main public dictionary. Additionally, any 
sign language can have alternative or specialized dictionaries upon request.

Support and the future
The best support you can give me right now is to test SignPuddle 3 and 
give me feedback.  I would really appreciate it.

For SignPuddle 3, the next major development will be the new SignText. 
This will include an integrated SignMaker, dictionary lookup, and 

After that, I have the four additional sections.  Literature for sign 
text documents.  Fingerspelling for automatic conversion from spoken 
words.  Alphabets for custom extracts of the International SignWriting 
Alphabet on the symbol palette.  Keyboarding for SignMaker and SignText.

For SignWriting, there is also the need for the two-dimensional font 
development as well as continued support for the SignWriting websites.

If you find SignPuddle 3 useful, or any of my other work, consider 
joining my supporters on Patreon with a monthly contribution.  I am 
currently only 6% towards my funding and I could really use your support.




Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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