[Sw-l] SignTube Program for SW captions on videos

Valerie Sutton signwriting at mac.com
Mon Aug 14 23:58:28 UTC 2023

SignWriting List
August 14, 2023

Hello Ronnie, Jonathan and John -

Thank you for these messages. Regarding SWML - Here are some links:


SignWriting Markup Language (SWML)

Sign Language Avatar programmed using SWML
(SignWriting Markup Language)

Synthesis of Virtual Reality Animations from SWML using MPEG-4 Body Animation Parameters

Important page SWML

and there are more...

Val ;-)


> On Aug 14, 2023, at 3:22 PM, John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to hear more about SWML as I am creating a new streaming format (which is currently unnamed, but a previous version had the extension .rg for route graph, before that I was using serialized Java) for recording and processing Humanoid information from MediaPipe. I'm having trouble with networking using Python, so I haven't done much streaming yet, apparently default sockets on python require many connections, so I might not be able to do streaming unless I find a better socket library. I've tried turning off my firewall, added exclusions to antivirus, and used a virtual environment that was excluded from antivirus.  I get like a page or two of data in the terminal on the server log, and I get: "ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."  I'm on Windows 10.
> My format approach is to do something like BVH (Biovision Hierarchy), but a graph instead of a hierarchy (with From/To links for bones between two joints), but I think I will be able to remove things from the "skeleton graph," which is an important feature of my streaming format.   I'm streaming with python that generates data from Google MediaPipe's Holistic.  I haven't moved on from this to the MediaPipe's new tasks structure, but I might if I can get x,y,z coordinates, even if I can't see the skeleton on the video.  At least I'll have video (with opencv).  But I'm moving away from Python, probably to JavaScript.  I don't see Java being taken seriously by MediaPipe. Android/Kotlin, yes--I guess I could learn Kotlin.
> I would like to prove a client/server approach so I can separate the skeleton geometry stream generation from the rest of the system.  I realize that saving the stream to a file is an important first step, but if I can't get networking working on my local system, I might use bash piping to go from one tool to the next, or save to a file (yuck!). Using a pipe is more private, but fewer features than networking.
> Here's a Python program loop that has multiple connections (couldn't do one), that actually *doesn't* work, Apparently, one's data needs to be extremely short. It varies between the last string being "CHICKEN," "CROW," and "EOF."  I guess it's time to do the stackoverflow thing, if not Copilot.
> import socket
> sock = None
> def msgSend(sock, data):
>     if data:
>         sock.send((data).encode())
> def socketCreate():
>     HOST, PORT = "localhost", 3000
>     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
>     sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
>     return sock
> # Create a socket (SOCK_STREAM means a TCP socket)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     for i in range(1,2001):
>         print(f"Connection {i}:");
>         sock = socketCreate()
>         msgSend(sock, "DUCK\n")
>         msgSend(sock, "GOOSE\n")
>         msgSend(sock, "RAVEN\n")
>         msgSend(sock, "EAGLE\n")
>         msgSend(sock, "CHICKEN\n")
>         msgSend(sock, "CROW\n")
>         sock.sendall("EOF\n".encode())
>         sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
>         sock.close()
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