<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left>Hi Val and the list </P>
<P align=left>I am happy to tell you that I have finished my experiment here in Saudi Arabia</P>
<P align=left>It was as following</P>
<P align=left>1: we made a workshop of SignWriting Symbols participated of 37 teachers</P>
<P align=left>2: 4 teahers disided to practice</P>
<P align=left>2 of these teachers are working with </FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>preparation class</B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>; one teachs Math ; He learned the students the number from one to ten. </P>
<P align=left>other teacher teachs Reading;He learned the students ten words which included the reading book for the preparation class</P>
<P align=left>the students learned to write and read without learning the basic </P>
<P align=left>we just learn them ( the word and its sign just read and write it as it was ) </P>
<P align=left>Although we were frightened from fail the students respond was wonderful they practice reading and writing excellent</P>
<P align=left>In the </FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>fourth class</B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5> I learned the students to read and write the Religion</FONT><FONT face="Traditional Arabic" size=5> </FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>subjects sign as we did with the preparation class</P>
<P align=left>You will not believe that they wrote and read the signs we learned them fluently they loved it too much </P>
<P align=left>In the </FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>sixth class</B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5> I learned my students how to write and read the sign </P>
<P align=left>By giving them the basic of Signwriting they interest this new thing and interactive it </P>
<P align=left>After three month of teaching I made an examination to my students as follows </P>
<P align=left>I divided the question into three groups </P>
<P align=left>The first group contains question based on read and write Arabic language and</FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5> I ve got 64% true answers </P></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left>The second group contains questions based on read and write the sign and I ve got </FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>78% true answers </FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5></P>
<P align=left>The third group contains questions based on read and write both (Arabic language and Sign language ) I ve got </FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>80% true answers </P></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>So we can clearly see the benefit of (Read &Write the Sign Language ) </P>
<P align=left>In the</FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5> seventh class </P></B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left>The teacher</FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5> </B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>learned the students to read and write the name of days , Saudi Cities ,subjects </P></FONT><B><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left>Dear FRIENDS </P></B></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
<P align=left>I wrote this with its details in a report</FONT><FONT face="Traditional Arabic" size=5> </FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>wethin 30 pages and I met the director of deaf department in the general secretary of spicial education and his team here in KSA </P>
<P align=left>We discussed the experiment for 2:30 hours .They confess the work and to make a decision ( What would We Do ?) they decided to make workshop with ten chosen teachers ( who work with deaf) in the next september. </P>
<P align=left>That ª± all </P>
<P align=left>Happy days for all of you </P>
<P align=left>Mohamed abushaira </P>
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<P align=left></P></FONT><FONT face="Traditional Arabic" size=5>
<P align=left></P></FONT><FONT face="Abadi MT Condensed Light,Arial Narrow" size=5>
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