<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RE: [sw-l] Shurley 4</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1'> <META content='SignWriting email generated from SignText output' name=PUDDLE></HEAD> <BODY><table border=1><tr><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1177735615-1.png"></td></tr></table><p><p>Cherie,
<p>I was just reading your jingle. Very interesting. :-) Very well written too. They only sign that I had a problem with was (I am guessing) modify. The way that it was written is the same movement that would be for a vertical "dead" or "opening the right door while closing the left door." I took me a few tries of signing it to see what you were saying. I think that the movement for modify (at least the way I sign it) is the same as signing class except the left hand goes the opposite way. I don't know if I am right in my movement writing, but I was thinking that the movement was better written this way. But if you are transcribing and the person signed it the way I mentioned before, then keep it. :-)
<p>PS I'll try to get a clip of my signing the two movements as a picture is worth a thousand words.<br><br><hr>
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