<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Cat in the Hat 13</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1'> <META content='SignWriting email generated from SignText output' name=PUDDLE></HEAD> <BODY><table border=1><tr><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-1.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-2.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-3.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-4.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-5.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-6.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-7.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-8.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-9.png"></td><td valign=top><image src="cid:SignMail-1184080970-10.png"></td></tr></table><p><p>"Now look what you did!"
<p>Said the fish to the cat.
<p>"Now look at this house!
<p>Look at this! Look at that!
<p>You sank our toy ship,
<p>sank it deep in the cake.
<p>You shook up our house
<p>And you bent our new rake.
<p>You SHOULD NOT be here
<p>When our mother is not.
<p>You get out of this house!"
<p>Said the fish in the pot.
<p>I've got some serious doubt popping up about roleshifting, and how I'm showing it... Do I need to show the eye gaze and shoulder shift with each sign? I have been putting more eye gaze in here thean I did before... Also when I am shifted to one sign, and signing right like in this passage for example, I have been writing the signs off to the right... which makes some signs more difficult to write. Should I be keeping them centered on the face, as if my shoulders were square, but putting in the shoulder lines?
<a href="http://www.signbank.org/signpuddle/signtext/signtext.html?list=01-05-001-01-03-01,177,103,05-05-001-01-01-02,102,136,03-01-001-01-01-05,113,101,03-06-001-01-01-08,113,101,04-03-001-01-01-08,113,57,03-03-001-01-02-08,113,68,02-06-001-03-01-12,200,124,08-01-001-01-01-01,199,136,,-1
%0D%0A">Load message into SignText</a><p><p>Courtesy of <a href="http://www.signbank.org">SignBank.org</a><p>10030bc1896a1483e3daa007da905c50 = 10030bc1896a1483e3daa007da905c50</BODY></HTML>