Hello,<br>I would like some help and I thought I could ask some questions here. :-)<br><br>Currently I am trying to define a topic of studying to my master of science research on computer science, that is computers :-)<br>
I have two main corcerns with which I would like to work. The first one is the problems the Deaf faces today in the society and the second one is digital divide.<br><br>Thus I'm trying to combine them. Among the Deaf there are many different personalities, needs, goals, abilities etc; so I don't want to exclude anybody or consider the broader set as possible.
<br>Digital divide for me is the constraint imposed to someone preventing them from having access to information technology, mainly the internet. Because of it those people cannot, as we can, develop themselves learning with the content available on the internet and most important, they cannot act to change the situation in which they live, using what the internet offers. For exemple, what would have happend with SignWrinting if we didn't have the internet?
<br clear="all"><br>So, based on this I wanted to know, if someone want to help, please :-)<br><br>What problems do you think there are that prevent the Deaf from effectively using the internet, if there is any?<br><br>Do you think SignWriting is the solution? If it is, is it the only one?
<br><br>What about those ones that do not know any sign language and poorly learnt a spoken language (English, French, German, Portuguese, etc). Can the internet help them or they should learn a language first to use the internet?
<br><br>If the internet had something more or were somehow different, I am sure the Deaf could use it much better. What would be something more or different?<br><br>Do you think there is anything else that could be done besides working with the internet? Regarding computers, please.
<br><br><br>Thank you very much. :-)<br>Best<br>-- <br>Rodrigo Ferreira Bagni