Hi All,<br><br>As I'm sure all of you are aware, Valerie Sutton has dedicated her life to furthering the educational opportunities for the deaf community. She does not seek any personal gain from her work. <br><br>My name is Mark Guerrero and I work for J.D. Power and Associates, a business unit of the McGraw-Hills company (<span class="a"><font size="-1"><a href="http://www.mcgraw-hill.com/">www.<b>mcgraw</b>-<b>hill</b>.com/</a>). Each year, McGraw-Hill honors an individual for their dedication to advance the education of youth in the United States via an award titled - "Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education". I believe that Valerie Sutton well exemplifies the dedication and excellence this award serves to honor. She has far overshot the expectations that the award looks for in their award criteria. <br>
<br>I am writing to ask for your assistance is communicating to the award's Selection Committee the impact that Valerie has made on education in America. Please help me nominate Valerie for this award by writing answers to the questions below (bulleted answers are also welcome).<br>
<br>If Valerie is the recipient of the award, she will receive a $25,000 gift, but more important, she will be recognized by some of the most influential people in the publishing/educational community (<a href="http://www.mcgraw-hill.com/prize/judges.shtml">board of judges</a>). This can only serve to help Valerie and all of us further fund and support the development of SignWriting around the world.<br>
<br></font></span>Please email your answers directly to me at - <a href="mailto:mark.guerrero@gmail.com">mark.guerrero@gmail.com</a>. Your prompt response would be most appreciated!<br><br>Let me know if you have any questions.<br>
<br>-Mark<br><br><br>1. <font size="2"><b>Awards or Citations</b><br>Please list any official acknowledgement of the nominee's contribution
to education: awards, citations, community recognition, etc.<br><br>2. </font><font size="2"><b>*Rationale</b><br>
Please provide a brief narrative illustrating the nominee's achievements <a href="http://www.mcgraw-hill.com/prize/nomination_criteria.shtml" style="color: rgb(102, 153, 0);" target="_blank">nomination criteria</a> (300 words maximum).<br>
<br>3. </font><font size="2"><b>*Impact on a Key Issue</b><br>Describe how nominee
has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in contributing to the
research base, developing innovative practices or in enhancing policy
of an important area of education (300 words maximum).<br><br>4. </font><font size="2"><b>*Effectiveness <br></b>Describe how nominee has shown
leadership in developing and implementing programs that have had a
demonstrable and positive impact on improving teaching and learning
(300 words maximum).<br><br>5. </font><font size="2"><b>*Replication and Impact</b><br>Provide evidence that
other institutions, practitioners or policymakers have used program or
strategies designed by the nominee as a model (300 words maximum).<br><br>6. </font><font size="2"><b>*Compelling Public Voice<br></b>Provide evidence that the nominee's work and opinions have had an impact on public policy and the way Americans
think about current education issues (300 words maximum).</font><br>