<span><span title="Amic Fernando," style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff">Friend Fernando<br><br></span><span title="Agraeixo molt sincerament els seus consells, tot i que fa temps que conec el món real." style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff">I thank sincerely his advice, though long ago I know the real world. </span><span title="Justament en aquest món, he publicat 6 llibres i una cinquantena d'articles de temàtica diversa." style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9">Precisely in this world, I have published 6 books and fifty articles on various subjects. </span><span title="I mai no he hagut de pagar res.">I've never had to pay anything. </span><span title="(Alguna vegada fins i tot he cobrat.) En qualsevol cas, confio que aviat tindré bones notícies i se les comunicaré." style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff">(Sometimes I even charged.) Anyway, I hope I have good news soon and we will communicate. </span><span title="Gràcies de nou." style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff">Thanks again.<br>
<br></span><span title="Ramon">Ramon</span></span>