[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] more info on ICSTLL50

Randy J. LaPolla randy.lapolla at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 10:23:38 UTC 2017

Hi All,
I just heard from the organisers of ICSTLL50 that they will send the second circular and reply form next week. ICSTLL50 will be held in Beijing Xiangshan (Fragrant Hill) Hotel, and accommodation is also arranged in the same hotel. Foreign scholars can choose a single room at $110 per night or a double room at $60 per person per night. Participants do not need to book the hotel themselves, they just need to state on the reply form which kind of room they want, and they can pay for their accommodations during registration. 

No news yet about the program or whether there will be pre-conference workshops or not.

This is the conference website: http://iea.cass.cn/icstll50/
This is the email address of the conference: icstll50 at 163.com (don’t use the link for Inquiries on the website, as although it says it is for ICSTLL50, the link actually goes to the ICSTLL48 address)

Randy J. LaPolla, PhD FAHA (羅仁地)| Professor of Linguistics and Chinese | Nanyang Technological University
HSS-03-45, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332 | Tel: (65) 6592-1825 GMT+8h | Fax: (65) 6795-6525 | http://randylapolla.net/
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