[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Two Post-Doc Positions in Comparative Linguistics at the University of Passau

Johann-Mattis List mattis.list at lingpy.org
Thu Jan 19 13:22:13 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I would like to point you to two open positions (deadline for 
application is February 28) at our newly founded Chair of Multilingual 
Computational Linguistics at the University of Passau (Germany).

The first position is for an "assistant professor" (Akademischer Rat auf 
Zeit, m/w/d) with broad interest in linguistic typology, comparative 
linguistics, and computational linguistics. The position is for three 
years, can be prolonged by three more years, and can be used to write a 
habilitation thesis with me. Condition is a PhD that has been acquired 
before starting the position (preferably in comparative linguistics or 
computational linguistics).


The second position is for either an "assistant professor" (Akademischer 
Rat auf Zeit, m/w/d) or a "research and teaching assistant" (Wiss. 
Mitarbeiter, m/w/d), again for three years with possible extension by 
three more years, devoted to the enhancement and extension of our work 
on the standardization of cross-linguistic data. Condition is a PhD 
("assistant professor") or a master in computer science or computational 
linguistics ("research and teaching assistant"). For detailed 
requirements (web administration and Python), please see the detailed call.


Note that only the German versions of these calls are legally binding.

Please circulate these across all channels, we hope to find strong 

All the best,


Prof. Dr. Johann-Mattis List
Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics
University of Passau
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 16
04032 Passau

Chair Website: https://phil.uni-passau.de/multilinguale-computerlinguistik/
Personal Website: https://lingulist.de
Telephone: +49(0)851/509-3480

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