[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Barb Kelly

Randy J. LaPolla randy.lapolla at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 04:25:45 UTC 2024

Hi again everyone,
Thanks to those who sent me confirmation that they received the two most recent messages. 

I also received some bounce notices, including one for Barb Kelly’s address, so I went to the Melbourne Uni site to check her address and found she passed away in 2022, only 58 years old. I was surprised I had not seen an obituary about her. Can anyone write one up and post it to the TB list? She made very solid contributions to TB linguistics and should be recognized for them. (I used to have a web page for “Cado Vir” (fallen heros) as part of my Tibeto-Burman Domain website, but as the Domain became anachronistic, and expensive to maintain, I closed it down a couple of years ago, but still try to collect information about such people, and may develop it again as part of my personal site.)


All the best,

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