<div dir="ltr">Dear Colleagues, <br><br>Please find below the abstracts for two panels I will be organizing / co-organizing at the 24th SEALS in Rangoon, May 2014. Please send any notification of interest in either of these panels to me, any general inquiries can be sent to Justin. <br>
<br><b>Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages VI</b><br>Following in a series of similarly named events, this panel/workshop<br>is a forum to foster collaboration among scholars who research the<br>languages and literature of Tibeto-Burman groups with a pre-modern<br>
tradition of writing including (but not limited to) Burmese, Tibetan,<br>Pyu, Bailang, Old Chinese, Meithei, Newar, and Yi. Presentations from<br>all relevant perspectives, such as descriptive linguistics, historical<br>
linguistics, philology, paleography, epigraphy, codicology, and<br>
stemmatics are all encouraged.<br><br><b>Evidential systems in Tibetan languages (co-organized with Lauren Gawne)</b><br>The evidential systems of Tibetan languages, in particular Lhasa<br>dialect, have played an important role in the typological discussion<br>
of evidential systems generally. However, this typological literature<br>is often disconnected from the results of detailed documentation of<br>the relevant phenomena in the dialectological literature; that much of<br>this literature is written in German and Japanese has served as one<br>
obstacle. This panel/workshop solicits descriptive presentations on<br>Tibetan evidential systems across time and space as well as<br>presentations that reexamine what Tibetan can offer for the<br>typological study of evidential systems. It is intended to publish<br>
proceedings as a book on Tibetan evidential systems.<br><br><br><b>SEALS24 - Yangon, May 2014</b><br><br><b>Announcement and call for Papers</b><br><br>Scholars working on the linguistics of Southeast Asia are cordially invited to participate in the 24th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS24) to be held at the Myanmar Language Department of the University of Yangon in Yangon, Myanmar/Burma and organised jointly with SOAS, University of London.<br>
<br>SEALS24 will be held between 27-31 May 2014 at the Department of Myanmar Language in the University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar/Burma.<br><br>The meeting will be a forum in which to present research findings and air current thinking on any aspect of languages and linguistics in Southeast Asia. As SEALS is being held in Burma/Myanmar for the first time, we hope especially to focus on languages and linguistics in Burma/Myanmar.<br>
<br>Abstract submission<br><br>Abstract submission deadline: 15 Jan 2014<br>Notification of acceptance: 28 Feb 2014<br><br>You are invited to submit an abstract on any branch of linguistics in a Southeast Asian context, including but not limited to the following:<br>
<br>• Phonetics and phonology<br>• Grammatical system<br>• Genetic and areal relationships<br>• Historical and comparative studies<br>• Semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis<br>• Sociolinguistics<br>• Psycholinguistics, neuro-linguistics, and linguistic cognition<br>
• Language documentation, endangered languages and linguistic diversity<br><br>Abstracts of no more than 500 words plus examples and references should be submitted via the Easychair website (<a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seals24">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seals24</a>). If special fonts or characters are required, please use Unicode. (For Burmese this means Padauk or Myanmar3 fonts; you can convert from Zawgyi online). Conference slots will be 20 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes discussion.<br>
<br>Offers of financial support and logistical assistance<br><br>Organising the conference jointly between London and Yangon presents a unique set of logistical challenges. Please contact the organisers if you are in a position to assist financially (for example to sponsor participants from SEAsia) or by offering to help with arrangements in Yangon, or in any other way.<br>
<br>Special panels<br><br>Proposals for special panels on any topic, in particular relating to the languages or linguistics of Myanmar, are especially welcome. Please send an expression of interest followed by a brief description of your panel and a preliminary list of speakers to <a href="mailto:seals24yangon@gmail.com">seals24yangon@gmail.com</a> as soon as you are able.<br>
<br>Conference website; travel, accommodation, visas<br><br>A conference website with further information will be announced in due course. <br>Please note: information about visa applications for the conference, travel to and accommodation in Yangon is not expected to be available until early 2014. <br>
<br>Conference organisers<br><br>Dr Justin Watkins (SOAS, University of London)<br>Prof Aung Myint Oo (Department of Myanmar Language, University of Yangon)<br>Inquiries to <a href="mailto:seals24yangon@gmail.com">seals24yangon@gmail.com</a></div>