fighting the spam

Johanna Laakso jolaakso at
Sat Jul 17 05:44:05 UTC 1999

Dear Uralists,

I am very sorry for some recent spam messages (the only sign of life on
this list for some time, I think...). To avoid further spam
(advertisements of special software, money-making businesses, tourism or
child porn etc.), I will, at least temporarily, make this list into a
moderated one - all messages sent to ura-list must be accepted by the
list-owner. No censorship intended!

With friendly and hasty greetings (on vacation, i.e. completely occupied
with home-making...)

---------- Johanna Laakso <Johanna.Laakso at Helsinki.FI> ----------------
--------- Helsingin yliopisto, Suomalais-ugrilainen laitos ------------
----------------- -------------------
-- "Feministi on nainen, jolla on mukavat kengät."  - Robin Williams --

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