Erkki Kolehmainen erkki.kolehmainen at tieke.fi
Thu Sep 21 09:31:35 UTC 2000

´'ve just had a discussion on FUPA with some of the UNICODE representatives
(Ken Whistler et al.) at the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 meeting where I am
representing Finland. Although it is clear that we want the Unicode
Technical Committee to at least informally scrutinize the proposal prior to
submitting it formally for inclusion in the 10646 (which Ken has already
partially done), they consider the proper marching order for this proposal
to be via SC2/WG2 to Unicode.

Thus, I'd appreciate the title for this kind of a message to be either
FUPA-10646 (which would be in line with the text of this partricular
message) or FUPA-10646/Unicode instead of FUPA-UNICODE.

Best regards, Erkki I. Kolehmainen

-----Original Message-----
From: Johanna Laakso
To: ura-list at helsinki.fi
Sent: 9/20/00 2:49 PM

Forwarded: Another voice to support the inclusion of FUPA into UNICODE.

---------- Johanna Laakso <Johanna.Laakso at Helsinki.FI> ----------------
--------- Helsingin yliopisto, Suomalais-ugrilainen laitos ------------
----------------- http://www.helsinki.fi/~jolaakso/ -------------------
-- "Feministi on nainen, jolla on mukavat kengät."  - Robin Williams --

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:10:45 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Arja Lampinen <arjalam at utu.fi>
To: ura-list at helsinki.fi

Suomalais-ugrilainen tarkekirjoitus tulisi sisällyttää täydellisenä
tulevaisuuden merkkiatandardiin ISO/IEC 10646

Arja Lampinen

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