Q: Reported Speech

John Peterson jpeterso at UNI-OSNABRUECK.DE
Tue Apr 17 16:18:14 UTC 2001

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Munich, Germany
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Sorry for the delay, but when this question was sent out to the list I was
in India and didn't have access to my library.

In an article of hers - written in German - Karen Ebert discusses verbs of
speaking (verbum dicendi) in a number of languages, including some South
Asian languages, and their development to conjunctions, such as Nepali
"bhanera" from bhan- 'say'. While that is probably not what you're looking
for, there is one article of hers listed in the bibliography whose title
sounds promising at least:

Karen H. Ebert. 1986. "Reported Speech in some languages of Nepal" In:
Florian Coulmas (ed.): "Direct and indirect speech." Den Haag: Mouton

Maybe that will be of help. If you're interested, I can also give you the
details of her article on the verba dicendi.

All the best,

John Peterson
FB 7, Sprachwissenschaft
D-49069 Osnabrueck
Tel: (+49) 541-969-4252
Fax: (+49) 541-969-4256
Email: jpeterso at uni-osnabrueck.de
----- Original Message -----
From: Maggie Ronkin <ronkinm at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: Q: Reported Speech

> VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
> Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
>           John Peterson, University of Munich, Germany
> Details:  Send email to listserv at listserv.syr.edu and say: INFO VYAKARAN
> Subscribe:Send email to listserv at listserv.syr.edu and say:
>           (Substitute your real name for first_name last_name)
> Archives: http://listserv.syr.edu
> Dear Friends
> I would be grateful for your pointers to studies in English on reported
> speech/represented speech and thought/constructed dialogue in Urdu, Hindi,
> and related languages. Most useful would be studies based on naturally
> occurring data in the subfields of narrative and discourse analysis. I
> be happy to summarize. Thanks.
> Maggie Ronkin
> ============================================================
> Maggie Ronkin
> Ph.D. Candidate in Sociolinguistics
> Department of Linguistics
> Georgetown University, USA
> ============================================================
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