Hindi teaching resources - summary

Maggie Ronkin ronkinm at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 13 21:00:56 UTC 2003

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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And those interested in Urdu as well may wish to check out a terrific
maintained by Prof. Frances Pritchett at Columbia University:


Maggie Ronkin

>From: Ian Smith <iansmith at YORKU.CA>
>Reply-To: South Asian Linguists <VYAKARAN at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU>
>Subject: Hindi teaching resources - summary
>Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:27:58 -0800
>VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
>Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
>           John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
>Details:  Send email to listserv at listserv.syr.edu and say: INFO VYAKARAN
>Subscribe:Send email to listserv at listserv.syr.edu and say:
>           (Substitute your real name for first_name last_name)
>Archives: http://listserv.syr.edu
>Dear Vyakaran subscribers:
>In response to several requests, I am sending this compendium of answers to
>my query about materials suitable for elementary and intermediate Hindi.
>Thanks to the following colleagues for providing information: Richard Barz,
>Tej Bhatia, Clancy Clements, Seema Khurana, Tatiana Oranskaia, Harold
>Schiffman, Ruth L. Schmidt, Ghanshyam Sharma, Ariann Stern.  [ Hope I
>haven’t missed anyone :) ]
>N.B. This is certainly not a complete list of what's available.
>I have have tried to standardize references, but haven't checked them all.
>I've anonymously quoted "..." or summarized [...] comments on individual
>Ian Smith
>York University
>Barz, Richard K and Y.K. Yadav. 2000. An Introduction to Hindi and Urdu.
>New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi:2000. ISBN 81 215 0605 0
>Barz, Richard K and Y.K. Yadav. 1994. Hindi Exercise Manual.  Canberra:
>available through South and West Asia Centre, Australian National
>University [ANU], Canberra 0200) with set of audio cassettes ISBN 0 646
>22395 X (book) and 0 646 22394 1 (cassettes).
>Bhatia, Tej K. 1996 Colloquial Hindi: the complete course for beginners
>(book+tapes). London/New York: Routledge.
>“NOT good�
>Bhatia, Tej K. and Ashok Koul. 1996. Colloquial Urdu: the complete course
>for beginners (book+tapes). London/New York: Routledge.
>Caldwell Smith, R. and S.C.R. Weightman and the principal and Teachers of
>the Landour Language School, Mussorie. 2003.  Introductory Hindi Course
>with companion CD, New edition.  Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal
>“[good] for texts�
>Gambhir, Surendra K.  1983.  Spoken Hindi-Urdu: With Emphasis on Intonation
>in Natural Conversation.  Madison:  Department of South Asian Studies:
>Universities of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  ISBN 091002328X.
>Hook, Peter Edwin.  1979.  Hindi Structures: Intermediate Level with
>Drills, Exercises and Key.  Ann Arbor:  Center for South and Southeast
>Asian Studies.
>Jagannathan, Vii. Raa. 1991. SvayaM Hindi SiikhEN, in 2 parts, with
>audiocassets. Delhi: JANEPA 1991
>“good for texts, but they should be radically reorganised.�
>Jain, Usha.  1995.  Introduction to Hindi Grammar.  Berkeley:  Center for
>South Asia Studies.  ISBN 094461325X.
>Jain, Usha.  1999.  Intermediate Hindi Reader.  Berkeley:  Center for South
>Asia Studies.  ISBN 087725351X.
>McGregor, R.S.  1992.  Urdu Study Materials.  Delhi:  Oxford UP.   [This
>has information for Hindi, too.]
>McGregor, R. S. ca. 2000 Outline of Hindi Grammar, with exercises. Delhi:
>“a good grammar.�
>[use for grammar in combination with Shapiro 1989, and Caldwell Smith et.
>al 2003 for texts]
>Shapiro, Michael  A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi. 1989 [reprint 1994]
>New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass.
>“…without any Hindi text. It is very rich and well written but without
>any key to exercises�
>“very good and the most accurate in terms of scope and depth of
>grammatical explanations.�
>Snell Rupert and S. Wheightman. 2000. Teach yourself Hindi, 2nd ed.
>McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; (Book and Cassette edition available)
>“doesn't like it very much.  Some exercises are useful.  The gramm.
>explanations are often wanting.�
>“first edition … quite useful, but the second edition … is full of
>both grammatical and semantic.
>“have been using for many years along with [Jain 1995]�
>“supplemented by Michael Shapiro's books�
>Snell, Rupert.  2000.  Beginner’s Hindi Script.  Lincolnwood, IL:
>NTC/Contemporary Publishing.  0658009109
>Barz, Richard K et al.  [Australian National University Supplementary Hindi
>material]. http://asianstudies.anu.edu.au/hindi/
>Pritchett, Frances. Some useful sources on Hindi/Urdu language and
>Shankar, Jishnu. Feb. 2003. Materials and URL's for Hindi
>South Asia Language Resource Center, HINDI WORKSHOP: Pedagogical Materials
>Project http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/salrc/hindi/HWORKSHOP.htm
>Triangle Consortium. Door into Hindi.
>UCLA Language Materials Project, www.lmp.ucla.edu.
>University of Pennsylvania Hindi Program: Web based Hindi Materials

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