Language Sept 2005

Madhukar N. Gogate mngogate at VSNL.COM
Thu Sep 1 08:48:54 UTC 2005

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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This note ( Language  Sept 2005 ) is on using  Roman 
script ( lipi ) if  fonts, codes are  unavailable for emails, 
excel,  printing  in  current scripts of  Indian languages.
Linear  Roman  lipi  suits inter-language dictionaries & 

phonebooks.  Also use current popular scripts having 

short words ( 3 letters- kal - has 2 letters in Hindi lipi)

Roman lipi links languages easily to many present and 
future I-T inventions. It is an option like shorthand lipi 
& Braille. Use symbols on English machines. Use a-z.
Use apo (apostrophe ' ) to vary sounds  t t' , d d'  etc
Do not show variation with capitals t T,  d D etc. Use  
three dots (...) to end  sentences in a  para, and 1 dot 
to end a para or a single sentence. Use capitals (A-Z)  
to start names & words (mainly English) which do not 
meet standard (languagewise) symbol-sound relations
Follow the sounds ( not the symbol-to-symbol basis).
Silent (p) in (pneumonia) is omited  in Indian language
scripts. Similarly, adopt (sarkaar) and not (sarakaara).
If  ok, equate short, long duration vowels (lipi = lipee)
See M12 in  for Marathi sample 
below. ( Hindi, Gujarati  folks would partly  follow it). 
Try Roman. Circulate. Author /mngogate at 
bhaarat,   maraat'hi   yaa  aivaji  inglish nusaar Bharat, 
Marathi -- ase lekhan  kele tar pahile  akshar  Capital 
vaapraa... yethe laksha dyaa... he = This (English) He 
= He (English)...  mi  Gone With  The Wind  sinemaa 
paahilaa....  (aivaji)  mi  gaon   vith  da  vind'  sinemaa
paahilaa,  ase  dhvani  nusaar lihitaa  yeil...  shaastriya 
shabda Carbon vaapraa (vaa dhvani nusaar kaarban). 
pun'e (bhaarat) yethe sapt'embar 2005 madhe pud'hil
2 maraat'hi bhaashan'e aayojit  keli aahet... sam'yojak
Institution Of Engineers, Shivajinagar... Ph 25533376
(a) taarikh 16 saayam 6-30     shri Govind K. Ketkar
(Nuclear Scientist )  Talk On Musical Notes Quotient
( omkaar-adhisht'hit  svar-saadhanaa  aan'i svaraank)
adhyaksha smt Nirmala Gogate E05 Above Website
(b) taarikh 20 saayam 6-30 Prof SK Gajendragadkar 
(Environmental  Engineer)   Talk On Pollution Due To 
Construction ( baandhkaam  sambandhit pradushan' ) 
( Marathi  Vidnyan Parishad  Pune Branch  samavet )
upasthiti shakya aso vaa naso...  hi  Note Save karaa.

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