[Fwd: Position available: Hindi lecturer at the University of Leipzig]

John Peterson jpeterso at UNI-OSNABRUECK.DE
Tue Aug 29 08:21:07 UTC 2006

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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Sorry for any cross-postings.

---------------------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ----------------------
Betreff: Position available: Hindi lecturer at the University of Leipzig
Von:     "Birgit Kellner" <birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Datum:   Mit, 23.08.2006, 09:06
An:      INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk

The University of Leipzig, the Faculty of Histroy, Fine Arts and Oriental
Studies invites applications for the position of Language Instructor in
Hindi, effective 1.4.2007.
Candidate must be a native speaker of, or have absolute fluency in Hindi,
and must have didactic abilities to teach the language at both beginner
and advanced levels. The succesful candidate will be rquired to teach 16
hours per week, 30 weeks per year ; no further administrative or other 
duties are required.
Initial contract for two years. If extended, the position becomes
Remunaration 75% Verg.Gr.IIa BAT-O (about ?2400 per month before taxes).
The deadline for applications is : 31.10.2006.
Applications should be sent to :
Dekan der Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften
Burgstr. 21, 04109 Leipzig
For further inquiries please contact Prof. Eli Franco :
franco at uni-leipzig.de or Prof. Catharina Kiehnle : kiehnle at uni-leipzig.de

John Peterson
FB 7, Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Osnabrück
D-49069 Osnabrück
Telephone: (+49) (0)541-969 4252
Telefax: (+49) (0)541-969 4256
Homepage: http://www.SouthAsiaBibliography.de/

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