Call for papers: The 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Uppsala

Anju Saxena Anju.Saxena at LINGFIL.UU.SE
Tue Mar 18 09:37:36 UTC 2008

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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The 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics

Uppsala University

1-3 October, 2008

The theme of this year's conference is Multilingualism. It subsumes  
cross-linguistic typological studies, linguistic variation and language 
change in contact situations as well as studies relating to
bilingualism and to second and foreign language learning.The 23rd SLC 
welcomes abstracts for presentations from all areas of Linguistics 
including, but not limited to multilingualism.

The plenary speakers are:
Michael Noonan (University of Wisconsin): T.B.A.
Anna Siewierska (Lancaster University): "The impersonal-to-passive 
highway: an instance of bidirectional change".

Pre-conference workshop: Workshop on language documentation and
description of lesser-known languages
Proposals for other workshops are invited.


-Deadline for abstracts/workshop proposals 30 March 2008
-Acceptance notification: 1 May, 2008
-Conference: 1-3 October, 2008

Information about the conference is also available at:


Welcome to Uppsala!

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