[Fwd: Re: internet jargon in European languages]

Mike Salovesh t20mxs1 at CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU
Thu Aug 5 07:39:44 UTC 1999

Through some button-pushing confusion, this message was sent to me when
it should have gone to the list.  Sounds like an interesting reference!

--  mike salovesh               <salovesh at niu.edu>              PEACE !!!

-------- Original Message --------
From: GEORGE THOMPSON <thompsng at elmer4.bobst.nyu.edu>
Subject: Re: internet jargon in European languages

Some of you folks may be interested in a four-page chart comparing
internet jargon in German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
It's on pp. 113-116 of Romanistik im Internet: Eine praktische
Einfuhrung, Bonn: Romanistichser Verlag, 1999.  Only French refuses
to adopt "browser", but accepts "e-mail" and "surfer", though
offering a French alternative; Italian and Spanish, it seems, have
turned down "surf", though Italian accepts "mailing list" and "home
page".  Germans "ausloggen" but they also "uploaden".


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