Seeing Info re team teaching

No Name Available GRADMA at UVVM.UVIC.CA
Fri Aug 13 01:18:21 UTC 1999


We did this for a number of years in our LING 100 class, typically over 100
students. Each of us in the department (6 or 7 at that time) took a section
(as you suggest) and a quiz was given at the end of that time period, marked
by the TA's. One year we tried having just 2 hours of lecture per week, and
then dividing the class into groups of 25 or so for tutorials with a TA. This
didn't work as well as the 3 hours plus office hours for the TAs. But the
students liked having the experience of meeting all the different faculty that
they might have later on in a specific course. We only had to give it up as
our graduate programme expanded and faculty members became overloaded. For
two years, Tom Hess and I team-taught the course, each of us doing our best
bits in two separate sections; for example, I might be doing dialectology in
one section while he did native languages in the other. For the basics like
phonetics and morphology, we both taught at the same time in our own sections.
Now we have three large sections of 100A (first half, basics), 2 in the fall
term and one in the spring, and one of 100B (historical, socio, etc.) in the
spring. When we have enough people around, we then give a 100B in the fall.

The main answer to your question is yes, it worked for us.


Barbara Harris.

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