origin of "ansible"?

Kevin J. Maroney kmaroney at CROSSOVER.COM
Mon Aug 16 17:47:36 UTC 1999

At 12:27 PM 8/16/99 -0400, Mark_Mandel at dragonsys.com wrote:
>The attached question was just asked in rec.arts.sf.written, although
>I have wondered about it for quite a while, as have many sf readers.
>This is the first I'd heard of the "talking-board" attribution. Until now
>my best guess, totally unsubstantiated, was that she had coined the word
>as a deliberate reduction...

As I said in my post, I encountered the word in a dictionary sometime in
the late 1980s, but have not been able to find it again since. If anyone
here does know of it, please let me know!

   Kevin Maroney | Crossover Technologies
   kmaroney at crossover.com | (212) 777-1190

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