City Names

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Sat Dec 4 00:56:39 UTC 1999

How could y'all forget Bret Favre (FAHRV) of the Packers? I recommend we
should re-name them the Green Bay Metathesizers. Let's see what silly
headgear they can come up with then!


>And if you drive through Montana, you will find "Hell-IN-uh" (Helena),
>"HAV-ur" (Havre), and "SHOAT-oe" (Choteau).
>Rebecca Meyer (originally from Hav-ur)
>San Diego
>At 06:21 PM 99/12/03 -0600, you wrote:
>>Canada's policy of bilingualism is all very well, but it just doesn't
>>reach far enough to handle U.S. place names with French antecedents.
>>So maybe you think you're being a "dumb Canuck", but whoever the dumbest
>>Cancuk may be, in all of Canada there's nobody dumb enough to beat an
>>ordinary Midwesterner when it comes to fancy mispronunciations.
>>-- mike salovesh      <salovesh at>      PEACE !!!

Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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