Speaking of catch-phrases

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Dec 14 15:25:18 UTC 1999

At 10:37 AM -0500 12/14/99, Bob Haas wrote:
>Except in horseshoes.
>Except with shotguns.
>Except with grenades.
>Laurence Horn wrote:
>> Does anyone have "'Almost' doesn't count" on hand?
I've heard the first and third (typically conjoined):  '...except in
horseshoes and hand-grenades', which alliterates nicely.  I haven't heard
the shotguns, and I imagine nuclear bombs, etc., would work as exceptions
as well.  The question remains, though, especially since (or at least so I
suspect) the "'Almost' doesn't count" part preceded the discovery of the


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