Fwd: Ticklers and slap-sticks

Gregory {Greg} Downing gd2 at IS2.NYU.EDU
Wed Dec 22 16:10:37 UTC 1999

At 06:53 AM 12/22/1999 EST, Barry Popik wrote:
>   Perhaps someone with an OED handy can help Gersh Kuntzman of the NY Post
>with "ticklers and slapsticks."


2. Something that tickles or is used for tickling.
b. A feather brush used to tickle the face of passers, as a diversion at
fairs and carnivals.

slapstick. orig. U.S. Also slap-stick.
[f. slap v.1 + stick n.1]
1. Two flat pieces of wood joined together at one end, used to produce a
loud slapping noise; spec. such a device used in pantomime and low comedy to
make a great noise with the pretence of dealing a heavy blow....

[It seems as if both items would have been used in large crowds for teasing
and fooling around during celebrations.]

I hope this helps....

Best, Greg Downing

>--Barry Popik (in Vietnam)
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>Subject: Ticklers and slap-sticks
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>I know you're in Hong Kong, but we came up with something great here. My
>colleague Allen Salkin just discovered this gem from the Dec. 31, 1909
>newspaper: "An additional number will be on hand [in Times Square] out of
>curiosity to see how well the police commissioner's ban on ticklers and
>slap-sticks is enforced."
>Huh? What the hell are ticklers and slap-sticks? My guess is some kind of
>performing artists or comics, but we have no idea. Salkin thinks it's a
>stick used to goose women.
>Any guess?

Greg Downing/NYU, at greg.downing at nyu.edu or gd2 at is2.nyu.edu

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