
A. Vine avine at ENG.SUN.COM
Wed Jun 30 00:46:00 UTC 1999

Verbing - it's rampant!  Should we blame Al Haig, or is it just marketspeak in

I recently attended an all thumbs, er, hands meeting where the mucky-mucks got
up and told us how our products were going to save the world. (I almost jumped
up and said "Testify, Brother!")  One of the more sales-oriented honchos talked
about "goaling" the managers.  He meant that certain things would be part of
their goals, which are documented and used as a sort of task list.

Maybe it comes from marketing copy, where every word costs and space is limited.

I'll calendar this for later...

Andrea Vine
Sun Internet Mail Server i18n architect
avine at
Romanes eunt domus.

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