Johnson 'penis'
A. Vine
avine at ENG.SUN.COM
Fri May 14 19:11:33 UTC 1999
Ron Butters wrote:
> There is a whole famous series of semi-obscene tee shirts that play off on
> the double entendre of JOHNSON 'penis' and JOHNSON the brand name for an
> outboard boat motor. The folks depicted on the tee-shirts are all white. When
> I mentioned this semester that JOHNSON = 'penis' in AAVE, several of my
> students cited the tee-shirts as evidence that JOHNSON = 'penis' is now
> general American slang.
Guess I'm not a general American. Never heard it.
Nor did I ever hear/use gibroney, Jabroni, jiboney, or anything resembling it,
as a teenager.
I'm feeling rather sheltered right about now. :-}
Andrea Vine
Sun Internet Mail Server i18n architect
avine at
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