Encarta dictionary reviews

Diana Ben-Aaron benaaron at CC.HELSINKI.FI
Mon Nov 1 17:05:04 UTC 1999

The Slate conversation between Jesse and Dennis mentioned that the reviews
of the Microsoft Encarta dictionary had been well-informed, because the
reporters spoke to lexicographers.  I paraphrase and distort, but that
was the general theme.

If anyone has the citations (= dates) for those reviews at hand and
could e-mail them to me, I would appreciate it.  I have access to American
magazines and newspapers, but not to indexes like Infotrac or Nexis, and
the only review I could find in an afternoon of browsing was the New York
Times for Thursday, Sept. 16 (by Elin Schoen Brockman).  Couldn't make
Altavista spit out any pointers either.


Diana ben-Aaron
University of Helsinki

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