iced tea - Word for the Wise, June 1, 1998

Bob Haas highbob at POP.MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Nov 3 20:21:11 UTC 1999

Or a white russian . . . the favorite drink of an ex of mine and also of the most
excellent "Dude" (Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski).

"A. Vine" wrote:

> The thing is, I don't agree with his explanation of ice cream.  We do not pour
> cream over ice and call it "ice cream".  We freeze the cream, making it ice,
> cream ice, if you will.  So I actually find "ice cream" makes perfect sense.  If
> you did want a drink of cream poured over ice, then I suspect you'd call it
> "iced cream" to differentiate.
> Drink for thought,
> Andrea


Bob Haas
Department of English
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

                         "Shun the frumious Bandersnatch!"

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