Belated reply re: "the" wife

Bob Haas highbob at MINDSPRING.COM
Mon Nov 8 23:22:33 UTC 1999

Andrea, would you address this state of being vs. location phenomenon in regards to
higher education?  I'm thinking of the British "at university" vs. the more
American "in college."  Or have I got it wrong?

"A. Vine" wrote:

> But "in the hospital" is an expression, having no bearing on whether there is
> one or many area hospital(s).  Not sure if "in the bed" is an expression in your
> example.
> Perhaps to get away from the connotation of "the" referring to a known hospital,
> the English say "in hospital".  It's more of a state, as in "in school" vs. "at
> school".  When talking about my father who is a doctor, I don't say, "he's in
> the hospital", I say "he's at the hospital".
> Pardon, I have vague recollections that this has already been discussed.
> Andrea


Bob Haas
Department of English
High Point University
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

                         "Shun the frumious Bandersnatch!"

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