Professional Glossaries - 2nd request
Lynne Murphy
M_Lynne_Murphy at BAYLOR.EDU
Wed Nov 10 20:38:41 UTC 1999
Well, I don't know whether linguistics and literary criticism are
considered "professions" (rather than disciplines? With the first
request, I assumed you were looking for the sorts of things that people
don't get BAs and PhDs in, but rather MFAs, BSs, whatever), but here are
the discipline-specialized dictionaries on my shelf:
Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor's _Dictionary of Linguistics_, Philosophical
Library, 1954.
Sure, it's old, but it was free and it's useful for looking up
obscure case names or phonetic terms. But didn't Bill Ladusaw (for some
reason I don't understand...) do a dictionary of phonetics (or maybe
that was a symbol guide)? My colleague-to-be, Larry Trask, did _A
Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics_ (Routledge, 1993), which
I suppose I should acquire soon to replace the Pei.
Ross Murfin and Supryia Ray's _The Bedford Glossary of Critical and
Literary Terms_, 1997.
Even though it's called a "glossary", its entries aren't
glosses--they're more encyclopedic. The entry for "Marxist criticism"
is 7 pp. long. Helps me figure out the mysteries of my colleagues'
course descriptions...
Richard Spears' _NTC's Dictionary of Grammar Terminology_, 1991.
Helpful for using pedagogical grammar books, but seems like it's
pitched to a linguistically much less sophisticated audience--probably
educationists. Intro says it's pitched to "the needs of students and
teachers alike."
I've often used the web to check specialized terminology and found a
lot of glossaries there. I can't think off-hand of any that I used (one
was about wall-paper hanging, but I don't know the URL). I don't know
whether web glossaries count for your study, but some of them, I think,
are web versions of printed things, and that might be a quick way to
find things that are not only out there, but are also being used.
M. Lynne Murphy, Assistant Professor in Linguistics
Department of English, Baylor University
PO Box 97404, Waco, TX 76798 USA
Phone: 254-710-6983 Fax: 254-710-3894
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