
Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Fri Nov 12 19:52:39 UTC 1999

The women, and thankfully men, who are surprised or take offense at the
term know of the long history of trying to get rid of animal-based terms
for women (far fewer animal words are used for men).   So now they're
coming back!  What kind of connotation does 'chick' have for you--little,
soft, cute, fluffy, playful, high-peeped, to be cuddled in the palm of the
hand?  Is this how you want to be viewed?  And, maybe more importantly, do
only your female friends use this term (mutually, I assume), or do your
male friends use it too--non-mutually, I assume?  Or do you call young
males 'chicks' also?

At 12:13 PM 11/12/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I am in college.  Now and in high school, my friends and I have used
>"chick", when we are talking amongst ourselves.  We do not take offense to
>it.  Many other women do, though, and some men are surprised that we use the
>What is it about "chick" that is offensive to some people?
>-Beth Bradley
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Kysilko [mailto:pds at VISI.COM]
>Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 1:41 AM
>Subject: Chick
>Further evidence of the rehabilitation of "chick":
>The cover story of the Fall 1999 issue of the Carleton College alumni
>magazine tells of a young alumna who took a crew of high school girls from
>SF to Baja and back on a schooner.  The title of the article is "Moby
>   Tom Kysilko        Practical Data Services
>   pds at       Saint Paul MN USA

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