"Gentleman's C" & JSTOR

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Nov 14 23:25:47 UTC 1999

GENTLEMAN'S C (continued)

    JSTOR is the first place to look for "Gentleman's C" because the database contains the _Journal of Higher Education_.  You must type in "Gentlemans C"--otherwise you get "Gentleman s C" and no hits.
    The four hits are all from 1958-1961 (and I don't know why):

JOURNAL OF NEGRO EDUCATION, Summer 1959, pg. 258--"Gentleman's C student."
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY, February 1960 (revision of a paper read at the annual meeting of The American Psychological Association, Sept. 1958), pg. 260--"Everyone has heard of 'the Gentleman's C.'"
JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, May 1960, pg. 263--"...gives promise of wanting to graduate college with more than a 'gentleman's C.'"
JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, October 1961, pg. 404--"The relative frivolity of the most recent era, with its football weekends, its 'gentleman's C,' its crowded social calendar, and its 'rah! rah!' campus atmosphere, is inevitably waning."

MEXICO (continued)

MEXICAN MINUTE--The Dow Jones database has this in the Dallas Morning News, 4-20-1986, pg. 9G.

PEPITO--The Dow Jones database has this in the Houston Chronicle, 3-21-1987, pg. 6, "The waiter said it was not a sandwich, just a Pepito, named perhaps after a plump little cook who invented (no doubt at an American's request) the plump little sandwiches."

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