An ADS evaluation of dialects in movies?

Grant Barrett gbarrett at AMERICANDIALECT.ORG
Thu Nov 18 21:40:24 UTC 1999

On Thursday, November 18, 1999, Larry Rosenwald <LROSENWALD at WELLESLEY.EDU> wrote:

>        So I had this fantasy that some ADS group would devise an accent
>rating system for film - four stars for Christopher Plummer, two and a
>half for Colm Feore, one and a half for Michael Gambon, whatever.  Anyone

I'm in. We could set up a page on the site with no problem, maybe a little polling
station for members or something simple, with room for comments.

Sounds interesting, vital and a way to make accessible discussion of the kinds of
discrepancies we often talk about here.

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