oofle dust

David Bergdahl bergdahl at OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Mon Nov 22 14:46:42 UTC 1999

On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Dennis R. Preston wrote:

> Roly,
> I grew up with foo-foo dust (same meaning) in the South Midlands US. See
> DARE (Vol II) for a West African foofoo (dough) which came to the US and
> one Illinois citation for foo-foo dust meaning "dust bunny" (little balls
> of dust which collect under furniture). I'm surprised DARE doesn't have
> foo-foo dust for "magic powder."
> dInIs (whose daddy always sprinkled a little foo-foo dust around in reponse
> to unresonable requests)

A family friend of my first wife's parents who worked as a capt for Texaco
driving those huge tankers was in fabrics in the old country used "foo foo
stuff" for perfume; later I learned that it was a euphemism for excrement
in some circles. . .
David Bergdahl          Ellis Hall 366         Ohio University / Athens
Associate Prof/English  tel:  (740) 593-2783   fax:  (740) 593-2818
                        bergdahl at oak.cats.ohiou.edu

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