"It's a boy/girl!" & "Have a cigar!"

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Fri Oct 8 06:45:11 UTC 1999

     What's the deal with cigars and babies?  Don't people know that you
shouldn't smoke around kids?
     I tried the keywords "cigar(s)" and "baby" on the Making of America
database and the Literature Online database, but came up empty.  I also tried
"Have a cigar!" and "It's a boy/girl!" on OCLC WorldCat and the Periodicals
Contents Index, with not much luck.
    Directly across from the New York Public Library, on 42nd Street and
Fifth Avenue, is Nat Sherman's ("tobacconist to the world").  The famous
cigar store had some books, but no one in the store knew the origin of the
phrase/custom.  I looked in other cigar books (with the renewed interest in
cigars, there are quite a few), but couldn't find an answer.
    This is from ABEL'S PHOTOGRAPHIC WEEKLY (I was looking for "Say
cheese!"), 11 July 1919, pg. 34, cols. 1-2:

    Then he placed the Havanas on a little stand in the reception room with a
hastily improvised sign reading:

     "Smoke Up
     It's a Boy!"

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