Doing the Right Thing, Down to the Last Detail

Andrea Vine avine at ENG.SUN.COM
Thu Oct 14 00:34:15 UTC 1999

Hmm, "spokespersons" sounds awkward - "spokespeople" sounds better if you're
referring to the group as a whole, and not some sort of loose collection of
single entities.  But of course, as the Times said, it's better to substitute a
more appropriate term.  I prefer "spin doctors".

This reminds me of an (old) Safire argument about how Geraldine Ferraro should
be either Ms. Ferraro or Mrs. Zaccaro, but never Mrs. Ferraro or Ms. Zaccaro.  I
found that a strange distinction as well.  Now, it seems, it is whatever Ms.
Ferraro would prefer, regardless of Mtr. Safire's personal rules of title.


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