PEAS: "crick" in North, N Midland; "creek" in South, S Midland

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Wed Oct 27 19:09:49 UTC 1999

I don't doubt that the natives of Charlotte MI get annoyed since they speak
standard English (just ask them), but where do those guys in NC get off
(just ask the guys in MI).

dInIs (who confesses not to have done studies of lingusitic insecurity in NC)

dInIs >Beverly Flanigan wrote:
>> "Proper"?  "as spelled"?  Spelling doesn't dictate pronunciation, and there
>> ain't no "proper" way of pronouncing anything!
>That may well be true. But it's a hard sell in specific locales, e.g.,
>MI and Charlotte, NC(?)
>The natives get irked when the outlanders confuse the two pronunciations.

Dennis R. Preston
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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