E-less Fiancé (a procedural question)

Alice Faber faber at POP.HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Mon Apr 3 02:41:11 UTC 2000

At 12:03 PM -0400 4/2/2000, Laurence Horn wrote, ostensibly about Re:
E-less Fiancé  (a procedural question):
>Is it just me, or did others get this as a zero-content message?  I ask
>partly because I seem to be getting more and more of these null messages
>from various sources, but I believe this is the first such I've received
>via ads-l.
I got a ton of these a few weeks ago from both ADS-L and Linguist
List. The solution was for someone to go reboot the Haskins mail

Alice Faber                                                  tel.
(203) 865-6163
Haskins Laboratories                                         fax
(203) 865-8963
270 Crown St                      new improved email:
faber at pop.haskins.yale.edu
New Haven, CT 06511               old email, if you must:
faber at haskins.yale.edu

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